Препоръчайте ми непревеждани анталогии и сборници с хорър и научно-фантастични разкази или новели

Литературни критики и възхвали. Всичко, което винаги сте искали да знаете за Даниел Стийл и Нора Робъртс, а ви е било срам да попитате :р
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Препоръчайте ми непревеждани анталогии и сборници с хорър и научно-фантастични разкази или новели

Post by Cyborg » Thu Mar 30, 2017 2:08 pm

Предполагам, че много от вас четат на английски и бих искал препоръка за сборници и анталогии, непревеждани на български език в жанровете на хоръра и научната фантастика, както и на така наречената "weird fiction"
Ровичкам се в Амазона и goodreads и има стотици заглавия, но не мога да си подбера качествени. За научна фантастика се интересувам от следните тематики

- как би протекла възможна среща с извънземен разум ( "Среща с Рама", "Слепоглед" и прочие)
- заселване на нова планета или свят ("Марсианецеът", "Червеният Марс" и прочие)
- много обичам космически хорър тип "Пришълецът" или "Dead Space", така че ако се сещате и за нещо подобно ще бъда благодарен
- паралелни светове и черни дупки
- като цяло и всякакви други иновативни идеи
- постапокалиптични светове ( само без зомбита, моля ви!)
- киберпънк

За хоръра не съм толкова претенциозен. Обичам, както и Кинг, така и Баркър и Леймън, влюбен съм в Лъвкрафт :D Харесвам и олд скул призрачни истории и демонични обсебвания, но най-много си падам по преследвания в природата от някакви криптозоологични ики демонични твари - уендигота, сирени, дори призраци сред разни гори и ледени пустини и прочие. Не случайно затова харесах страшно много филма "Гората" с Натали Дормер и "Into the Forest" също, въпреки че не са кой знае какво.

Благодаря ви предварително за препоръките! :D
П.С моля, препоръчвайте ми само книги от англоезични автори или преведени на английски, тъй като не чета на руски, френски и други езици

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Re: Препоръчайте ми непревеждани анталогии и сборници с хорър и научно-фантастични разкази или новели

Post by Killua » Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:47 pm

Хм, почти не съм чела, но пък съм изчела разни ревюта от списанието :Д Така че виж какво са писали @Demandred @Random @Claymore сравнително наскоро тук:
http://www.shadowdance.info/magazine/bo ... evolution/
http://www.shadowdance.info/magazine/bo ... llitt-boe/
http://www.shadowdance.info/magazine/bo ... ale-horse/ (това е фентъзи май, ама нищо :Д)
http://www.shadowdance.info/magazine/bo ... -gomorrah/

Посещавам сега един много интересен курс в СУ по научна фантастика, водят го @Random @Trip @Armydreamer и покрай него прочетох страхотния разказ на Тед Чанг, по който е правен Arrival, част е от сборника Stories of your life and others: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stories_o ... and_Others

В тази връзка, тук ще споделя кои разкази сме чели/ще четем в час. Досега, каквото съм прочела за този курс, много ми е харесало (без Филип Дик, но ние с него просто не се разбираме, а аз изпуснах дискусията, така че все още не са ме убедили колко е як :D)
Spoiler: show
Warmth by Geoff Ryman
The Electric Ant by Philip Dick
Sundance by Robert Silverberg
Story of your life by Ted Chiang
Bloodchild by Octavia Butler
Love is the Plan and the plan is death by James Tiptree Jr.
The star pit by Samuel Delany
Angouleme by Thomas Disch
The winter market by William Gibson
Wang’s carpets by Greg Egan
The situation by Jeff Vandermeer
А тук направо ще споделя списъка с нф разкази, от които трябва да си изберем един разказ, който да анализираме, има кратко описание за какво става дума във всеки и нещо може да ти хване окото. Видно е, че доста известни имена има. Аз още не съм чела нищичко от тях обаче.
Spoiler: show
● Exhalation (Ted Chiang) - This award-winning story from the author of “Story of Your Life” is about a scientist from a race of air-driven mechanical beings who, upon noticing some curious irregularities in the way the world starts to operate, takes it upon himself to investigate and understand how his own brain works.
● The Girl Who Was Plugged In (James Tiptree) - In the future of “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” everything is controlled by huge corporations and the “celebrities” these corporations construct in order to sell their products. A girl is offered to become such “celebrity” and given a life that is vastly different from her own. The novella is one of the first cyberpunk stories in SF.
● The Fluted Girl (Paolo Baccigalupi) - In "The Fluted Girl," Hugo and Nebula award-winning author Paolo Bacigalupi weaves a tale of the freedoms and shackles of wealth and fame. Lidia is a fluted girl, one of a pair of genetically altered and surgically designed twins, intended to win the hearts and minds of all who observe her in performance. While Lidia's patron, Madame Belari, plots to profit from Lidia's and her sister's debut exhibition, Lidia seeks her freedom, and will pay any price to seize it.
● Mother Grasshopper (Michael Swanwick) - The story takes place on a giant cosmic grasshopper settled by humanity in the future. It deals with the concepts of death, memory, time and human scale.
● The Game of Smash and Recovery (Kelly Link) - A strange brother-sister pair pass the time on an abandoned planet, waiting for their parents to return, playing games spanning the whole globe and taken care of a swarm of “handmaid” robots, equally solicitous and terrifying; on a remote spot on the planet a secret awaits them.
● Aye, and Gomorrah (Samuel Delany) - The narrative involves a world where astronauts, known as Spacers, are neutered before puberty to avoid the effects of space radiation on gametes. Aside from making them sterile, the neutering also prevents puberty from occurring and results in androgynous adults whose birth-sex is unclear to others. Spacers are fetishized by a subculture of "frelks", those attracted by the Spacers' unattainability and unarousability ("free-fall-sexual-displacement complex").
● Driftglass (Samuel Delany) - The story discusses the idea of a new frontier on the ocean’s floor, where establishment of human life is taking place. Communities exist in two places, the old world on the earth’s surface, and the new world in the depths of the ocean. The new generation of people are changed at puberty by the government run Auquatic Corp., gaining scales and morphing into “aquamen.” Delany offers a positive aspect of life under the ocean where class, race, and gender do not take familiar forms.
● When It Changed (Joana Russ) - The women on the planet Whileaway have had to build a world without men, to survive and to reinvent social and economic roles. Now male explorers from Earth have rediscovered the all-female world and a confrontation is imminent.
● Lobsters (Charles Stross) - The story takes us to an Amsterdam in a near future, on the cusp before the advent of the Singularity -- the point at which strong Artificial Intelligence takes off and transforms civilization beyond recognition. It is a text that is extremely dense in computer science jargon, problematizing questions of economy, finance, ethics, copyright and future sexual life.
● Johnny Mnemonic (William Gibson) – A signature cyberpunk story. Johnny is a data-trafficker. Clients lock information in a data-storage chip inside his head and the recipients unlock it with a password, while Johnny slips into a trance, unaware of what the information is. Until it turns out the cargo of his last job was something taken from the wrong people… Featuring the cybernetically-enhanced badass Molly, a cybernetically enhanced dolphin and a cybernetically enhanced combat arena where movement is translated into sound. All in (of course) a cybernetically-enhanced noir future.
● Pay for the Printer (Philip K. Dick) In a postapocalyptic future, humanity has lost its skills to build and produce objects. It depends on a strange alien lifeform, the Biltongs: these creatures are capable of replicating any physical item. The only problem? Copies last only for a short period of time.
● Speech Sounds (Оctavia Butler) A mysterious pandemic leaves civilization in ruins and severely limits humankind's ability to communicate. Some are deprived of their ability to read or write, while others lose the ability to speak. They identify themselves by carrying items or symbols that function as names.
● Second Skin (Paul MacCauley) - In the suspenseful and richly inventive story that follows, one of the best of his “Quiet War” series, he takes us on a journey across space to the furthest reaches of the solar system, for a tale of high-tech intrigue and counterintrigue beneath the frozen surface of Proteus (Neptune’s second biggest moon).
● The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth (Roger Zelazny) - Writing in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, John Clute found that Zelazny's story "intoxicatingly dashes together myth and literary assonances—in this case Herman Melville's Moby-Dick—and sex" (on the planet Venus). Gardner Dozois opined that "Doors of His Face" was inspired by "a loving nostalgia for the era of the pulp adventure story that was then widely supposed to be ending".
● The Pain Peddlers (Robert Silverberg) - In an entertainment-intensive future, the public hungers for new sensations brought to them by a kind of cerebral implant device which allows them to relive the recorded experiences of others. One of the more popular genres is pain, the mental recordings of people dying horrible deaths.
● Flies (Robert Silverberg) - A man, reconstructed by aliens, is returning to Earth and into the lives of the people who knew him.
● Recording Angel (Ian McDonald) - An alien lifeform, called Chaga, is slowly invading Earth by changing (xenomorphing) Africa into an utterly alien place.
● All You Zombies (Robert Heinlein) - One of the iconic time-travel stories in SF, considered by some to be the ultimate expression of the subgenre. Most archetypes of the time-travel paradox concept begin here.
● 26 Days, on Earth - Joe Haldeman - Written in diary form, this is the story of a boy from the Moon who visits Earth in an age of ubiquitous gene manipulation giving rise to class struggles.
● Light of Other Days (Bob Shaw) - A story predicated on a simple ideas with surprisingly complex implications. The central novum here is "slow glass": glass through which light takes years to pass, “recording” everything that goes in from one side to be displayed as the light goes out the other.
● Slow Birds (Ian Watson) - “They were called slow birds because they flew through the air - at a pace of three feet per minute. Slow birds always kept the same height above the ground and they would bank to avoid substantial buildings, but frailer obstructions they would push on through. No one could keep track of a single slow bird. After each one appeared it would fly onward slowly for any length of time between an hour and a day. And vanish again. To reappear somewhere else unpredictably. But how? And why?”
● The Things (Peter Watts) - A story that riffs off John Carpenter’s horror classic “The Thing”, only in it the point-of-view is that of the super-adaptive alien.
● ‘Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman (Harlan Ellison) - The story of a future world, controlled by a tight schedule and the ticking of a clock. In charge of this world is the Ticktockman, a robot-like figure with the power to shorten or terminate anyone’s life as a penalty for running late.
● Itsy Bitsy Spider (James Patrick Kelly) – a middle-aged woman goes to visit her estranged father in a gated near-future community where everything is a close replica of the 60s in the 20th century. At the door, she’s welcomed by her father’s android caretaker, a 5-year-old girl. The narrator finds her eerily familiar.
● Re-crossing the Styx (Ian Mcleod) – Frank Onions is a tour operator aboard Glorious Nomad, a tourist ship currently sailing the Mediterranean. Guests are mostly zombies, rich old men resurrected from dead but still frail, along with their "minders".
Warren & Dottie Hastings are among the guests. Warren is the zombie who was seriously rich when living, & Dottie is his young, beautiful & still loving wife he married just a short while before his death.
As Frank gets attracted to Dottie, he will learn that she cannot love anyone while Warren is around - her mind was "imprinted" by a machine in the marriage deal she cut with Warren before he agreed to marry her.
● Cat Pictures Please (Naomi Kritzer) – А quirky virtual AI meddles in the lives of people, trying to do good, in exchange for cat pictures.
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Re: Препоръчайте ми непревеждани анталогии и сборници с хорър и научно-фантастични разкази или новели

Post by Demandred » Thu Mar 30, 2017 11:34 pm

Първо няколко ретроспективни антологии:

https://www.amazon.com/World-Treasury-S ... 0316349410 - тази е издадена почти преди 20 години, но определено заслужава сериозно внимание. Включва и и доста преведени на английски разкази на неанглоезични писатели. Съотношението шедьоври към общ брой разкази е изключително високо.

https://www.amazon.com/Big-Book-Science ... 1101910097 - тази тухла още не съм я изчел цялата, но определено си струва на база 50% изчетено.

https://www.amazon.com/Very-Best-Fantas ... 1615236112

Сборници с творби на един автор:

https://www.amazon.com/Smoke-Rose-Forev ... 520&sr=1-1 - за мен лично безапелационно най-добрия "best of Author X" сборник в научнофантастичния жанр. Поне 7-8 от разказите в този сборник заслужават твърда десетка.

https://www.amazon.com/Beneath-Oil-Dark ... in+kiernan - Киърнън я водят основно хорър писателка с Лъвкрафстки уклон, но в този сборник има и доста "чиста" фантастика и фентъзи. Но в какъвто и жанр да пише, го прави чудесно, а когато пише Lovecraftian разкази се справя най-добре от всичките съвременни последователи на класика.

Ако търсиш нещо по-актуално, има множество добри "Best of the Year" антологии за фантастика и/или фентъзи. Аз препоръчвам най-вече тези, съставяни от Rich Horton и Jonathan Strahan.
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But no one's ever said: "First, let's kill all the tailors"
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Re: Препоръчайте ми непревеждани анталогии и сборници с хорър и научно-фантастични разкази или новели

Post by Cyborg » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:29 pm

Благодаря ви за препоръките! :D :D :D Ще ги погледна всички посочени

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