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Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:25 am
by footy_
Който желае да изкаже мнение:

Imagine an old man with weak eyes. He is looking through a window and every time he blinks the view gets blurred and darker. Is it the sunset or are his eyes playing tricks again? He doesn't know and honestly he doesn't care.
He recalls not caring about many things in the past; life demanded it. All the fights he had won... The arrogance and selfishness his finest weapons of choice. The things that drove the people away from him. We all have our own ways of denying reality, don't we?
Suddenly the sound of a familiar song comes from the apartment below. How appropriate. "A blind man cries". Is he going to laugh or cry now? The next time he blinks he sees nothing but darkness. A faint smile on his face and the bitter taste of tears on his lips.
-I... I don't want to be alone...
Do you?