
Филми, бре, филми... Джена Джеймсън, Трейси Лордс – we have them all!
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Post by alshu » Thu Sep 18, 2014 10:31 am

1991 е година на големи хитове - Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves (не го обичам този филм, но си е хит), The Silence Of The Lambs, Beauty And The Beast (анимацията на Дисни) и пр.
Финансово обаче е провал.
Ето една статия по темата и с известни разсъждения и за настоящето - http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/1991-bo ... -hollywood
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:43 am

И тези хора уж ще правят маса блок бъстъри по комикси - http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/warner- ... pointments

Работата изглежда все по-невъзможна.

Ето този момент ми звучи най-кофти
Film and TV are to be the least affected, given the studio's commitments to production, but the likes of home entertainment, marketing and administration departments are expected to bear the brunt.
Ако home entertainment означава, че може да прецакат и DTV-тата по DC - работата е съвсем лоша.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by passer-by » Fri Sep 26, 2014 9:52 pm

A woman is suing Disney for $250 million claiming 'Frozen' stole her life story

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http://movies.msn.com/movies/article.as ... r-mov-news

Sept. 25, 2014, 7:25 PM EST
Entertainment Tonight

Sing with us: Do you want to file a laaawsuit?

An author named Isabella TaniKumi has filed a $250 million suit against the Walt Disney Company saying that "Frozen" was not actually based on the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale, "The Snow Queen," but her 2010 autobiography about growing up in Peru.

Yes, this woman claims "Frozen" stole her life story.

This is crazy for two reasons: 1) The obvious, and 2) Did Isabella just see "Frozen"? How is she only getting around to it now? Is that even possible? The movie has literally been everywhere.

There have been discrepancies in the details, with some outlets saying the plagiarized book is eBook "Yearnings of the Heart" (the only title listed under Isabella's name on Amazon) and others say it is "Living My Truth" under a pseudonym, L. Amy Gonzalez.

Since we could find neither an L. Amy Gonzalez nor a book called Living My Truth anywhere on the internet (which would seemingly make it a bit hard to plagiarize), we'll use "Yearings of the Heart" as a reference.

According to the suit, Frozen copied the story, characters, and plot from her autobiography. Let's reflect briefly on the essential story, characters, and plot of "Frozen":

A talking snowman.
A sister with magic powers.
A town cursed with eternal winter.
Singing trolls.

Now let's look at the summary for Yearings of the Heart:

This is a compelling, introspective account of the life of Isabella TaniKumi, who takes her readers on a journey through various phases of her remarkable life- from her family’s survival during the devastating earthquake of 1970 in Huaraz, Peru, to the trials of overcoming heartbreaks of her youth. Conquering personal insecurities led to exploring the reaches of her intellect while facing the tragic, and untimely death of her beloved sister, Laura...Forging many enduring friendships most notably with Julie, who rescued her from the depths of grief. Tanikumi also interweaves a dialogue with her long lost love Eduardo. This novel tacitily and expressly addresses Eduardo as a salient recipient of her reflections. Ultimately, Tanikumi is able to share her gratitude and joy as well as her insatiable thirst for life.

So, she also has a sister?
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Post by tigermaster » Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:55 pm

Нещо, на което налетях току-що:
Проект за българска фентъзи анимация, базирана на "Златната ябълка".
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Post by alshu » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:54 am

http://io9.com/the-10-best-and-10-worst ... 1672135627
We had two Hercules movies this year, and neither of them had the real Hercules in them — that's got to be some kind of terrible comment on the state of movies, right there.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by tigermaster » Sun Jan 04, 2015 12:49 pm

Искам да декларирам, че започва много силно да ме дразни практиката да излизат тийзъри на тийзърите на трейлърите на някакви филми.
Последното такова, което видях, е за "Ant-Man" и ме ядоса повече, отколкото ми се искаше.
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Post by stealth » Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:20 pm

аз не разбирам, защо изобщо трябва да съществуват тези неща... още повече, когато представят филмите в доста... сбъркан вид.
все по-често предпочитам да гледам филми, за които не съм чел/гледал нищо. достатъчно ми е едно „филмът е добър“, от някой, на когото мога да разчитам, че е на приблизително едно мнение с моето. този способ работи много по-добре, поне при мен, отколкото, който и да е тийзър/трейлър.

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Post by tigermaster » Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:10 am

Междувременно, номинациите за "Оскар":
http://www.imdb.com/awards-central/osca ... cd_noms_sm

Без да съм гледал "Интерстелар", ВТФ??? Номинации за музика, звуков монтаж и звуков микс??? В смисъл... ВТФ??? Ако звуковата картина не се различава кардинално от тази в останалите филми на Нолан - където тонрежисьорите и композиторът са същите - тя ще да е за малинки, не за "Оскар"-и...
По някаква причина много силно ме дразнят номинациите на "Американски снайперист", който също не съм гледал. Може би защото реално не е филм от 2014 година, доколкото световната му премиера извън разни фестивали е днес.
Другото не ща да го коментирам.
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Post by Litz » Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:45 pm

Голям смях са тия номинации. Няма 'Лего', няма нищо съществетно за 'Хобит', Maleficent + Costume Design :shock:

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Post by Amelia » Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:24 pm

Е то Хобитите са некъф боклучец, дето сме го виждали по-добре направен преди 10 години и тогава си взе нужните Оскари.

Иначе аз се дивя на това за звуковия микс на Интерстелър. Тряяше да му дадат и за сценарий номинация, за да е пълен ВТФ-ка.
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Oui. Je suis garbage.

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Post by Litz » Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:24 am

Бе всичко на Интерстелар си е втф.
Малко ме дразни това, че всички актьорски номинации са за "бели" актьори/актриси. Ма явно след миналата година са си взели.
Снайперистът и мен ме дразни, врещяват ме тия номинации на Брадли Купър вече.
Иначе на червения килим очаквам Дженифър Лорънс пак да падне нарочно, докато снимат някоя друга актриса, за да говорят за нея в медиите. Добре че не го номинираха това селско момиченце, то не че има за какво.
А за Хобит и според мен е яко боклук, ма със сигурност заслужава повече от нощниците в Maleficent.

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Post by tigermaster » Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:40 am

Litz wrote: Снайперистът и мен ме дразни, врещяват ме тия номинации на Брадли Купър вече.
Ъхъ... Като се замисли човек, че в момента Брадли Купър има повече номинации от Джони Деп и Ръсел Кроу... Не че е лош актьор, обаче това е някак нелепо. Още повече, че от това, което прочетох за реалния Крис Кайл, се радвам, че въпросният е гушнал букета сравнително млад - създадох си представа за някакъв абсолютен психопат, който се е кефел да убива хора и да се хвали с това, че убива хора, и да си измисля, че е убивал хора по време на урагана Катрина. Джеси Вентура го е осъдил за клевета, впрочем. И те този ще го представят като положителен герой? Колкото и да уважавам Клинт Истууд, това няма да го гледам дори изпиратствано. (Като се замисля, за първи път от много време насам отказвам да видя някой филм по чисто морални причини.)
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Post by Litz » Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:42 am

Е Купър поне няма Оскар, за разлика от Дженифър Лорънс, която има една силна роля иначе гледа като уплашено морско свинче във всичките си филми. Като се замисля Брадли Купър ми харесваше много повече в "Запоите", отколкото във всичките тия "мега арт" продукции в последно време.

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Post by alshu » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:56 am

Иии, някой да ги напише тези неща: The Difference Between A Great Twist And A Mediocre Twist - http://io9.com/the-difference-between-a ... 1682362387
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Litz » Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:13 pm

Имам силното желание тая грешка 50 нюанса, която обяснява колко е секси да те столкват, изнасилват и тн стига да го прави секси и която няма нищо общо с бдсм като цяло да флопне мощно. А не некви тъпанари да обясняват как ако се оставиш 50 нюанса да те манипулира си заслужаваш смъртта и изнасилването :shock:

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