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Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:43 pm
by RRSunknown
LightOne wrote:Фентъзито ми е болест и мога с часове да споря за него, тъй че може да се каже, че ми е любим жанр.Макар всъщност малко да са пресилени тези думи, тъй като едва до месец единствените фентъзи книги които бях прочел са КнВ и ВнП.
Нямам мнение относно фентъзи разказите и затова не ме привличат.Пък и, хм, май нещо не ми се ползва късата форма все още.
Все пак ще се постарая да се разровя из форума и списанието и да се запозная с образците, който се публикували.
Малко смешно ми звучи това- с две прочетени поредици си болен на тема фентъзи??? :D

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:48 pm
by LightOne
О, Италион изобщо нищо не мога нищо да кажа за разказите.Споменах че не съм чел такива, така че не мога по никакъв начин да изразя мнение дали съм съгласен с теб.Но пак казвам ще се постарая да се поправя
Всъщност това за продълженията не е "ще" е "е" че компенсират.(малко надуто, но погледнато от гледна точка на сравнението между тях , а не в смисъл "велики са")
Тук все пак доброто(ако може така да се нарече де) е, че тази слаба част е малка по обем, така че предполагам все пак любопитството няма да се е изпарило съвсем.

КнВ - "Колелото на Времето" от Р. Джордън.

Е, вече със сигурност мога да твърдя това за болестта, защото увеличих бройката с няколко класики в жанра през последния месец освен посочените.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:15 pm
by RRSunknown
Я кажи някоя класика която си успял да прочетеш за единия месец от който четеш фентъзи :).

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:23 pm
by LightOne
Уоу!Не съм казал, че съм фен от един месец.
Вече повече от пет години чакам с нетърпние развръзката на "Колелото на Времето", а това мисля е достатъчно време, за да осмисля на какъв жанр ми е предпочитането.
Та за последния месец ето някои от класиките с които си наваксах:
"Хрониките на Амбър", "Белгариада", "Малореон"

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:28 pm
by Itilon
LightOne wrote:Всъщност това за продълженията не е "ще" е "е" че компенсират.(малко надуто, но погледнато от гледна точка на сравнението между тях , а не в смисъл "велики са")
Това изречение не го разбрах, но може би грешката е в мен. Иначе и аз ще погледна написаното от теб и ще опитам да коментирам, само че довечера.

Още нещо, вдъхновено от твърдението ти, че се справяш добре с граматиката. Моля те, слагай интервали след препинателните знаци (и НЕ слагай преди тях). Знам, че ще прозвучи малко прекалено дребнаво, но човек, който иска да пише хубаво, трябва да обръща внимание и на най-дребните детайли. Най-малкото, защото накрая те може да обърнат колата 8-) .

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:39 pm
by RRSunknown
Уоу!Не съм казал, че съм фен от един месец
тъй като едва до месец единствените фентъзи книги които бях прочел са КнВ и ВнП
:P :P :P

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:47 pm
by LightOne
От тук съдя че си фен само на Колелото а не фентъзито като цяло
Грешно съдиш.Това че съм фен на КнВ според мен означава, че признавам и фентъзито като цяло.Но това вече е стара бележка.
Сега вече съм абсолютен фен на фентъзито като цяло безпрекословно, тъй като си разширих кръгозора и ще продължавам в същия дух и жанр.

Е, Итилон, не мислиш ли, че все пак е по-добре, че започваш критиката си на ниво "запетаи".Много по-трудно щеше да ти е на ниво "думи" и "пълен член", нали? :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:10 pm
by Itilon
Е, Итилон, не мислиш ли, че все пак е по-добре, че започваш критиката си на ниво "запетаи".Много по-трудно щеше да ти е на ниво "думи" и "пълен член", нали?
Мога и на думи и пълен член :mrgreen: и е удобен момент да се опитам да ти покажа :D.
Тъмният лес.
Ако това не е името на гората, би следвало да е "Тъмен лес".
От дърветата се чува шумолене и излита малка птица.Тя се извисява нагоре, нагоре, над дърветата.
Според мен поне, птицата се издига. "Извисява се" ми звучи по-скоро като духовно, а не физическо действие.
Прелетява реки, пустини, планини, полета, държави, градове и ...достига едно селце в подножието на планината Фетир, използващо благата на Фетирските поля.
По-добре да е "прелетява над" или "прелита над" или "лети над", ако щеш (и без това е в сегашно време). Да не говорим, че изброяването ми е малко странно. Градовете не са в държавите или по полетата и т.н.? И освен това мисля, че "използващо благата на Фетирските поля" е излишно. Много ясно, че селцето ще използва благата именно на полята, в които е разположено, а не нечий други.
Отвън няма отличителна черта - построена от камък и дървен покрив.
С това изречение казваш, че отличителната черта е построена от камък и дървен покрив.
Вътре има проста селска мебелировка – скрин, печка, маса.
Тази печка пък някак си не ми се връзва с простата селска мебелировка (тук, обаче, презюмирам, че сетингът ти е средновековен, което не знам със сигурност, защото нямах време да прочета много от него).
Жената е висока, слаба и с черна коса на средна възраст, цялата изцапана с брашно.
Обикновена членуваме нещо, ако вече сме го споменали: "В къщата има жена. Жената е висока и слаба". В допълнение, в горното изречение ми казваш, че косата й е на средна възраст и е изпоцапана с брашно.

Общо-взето това са нещата, които ми направиха впечатление в първия параграф :twisted:. И то, без да слизам на ниво запетаи! :o

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:45 pm
by LightOne
Споменах вече, че не знам на кой свят съм бил когато съм редактирал първия абзац.Всички грешки, които показваш, са лесно видими за мен, но явно в нечий друг монитор съм гледал по това време, а не че не мога да ги оформя. :oops:
Само за първото изречение - остава си "Тъмният лес" - това си е името на леса.
Все пак ще препоръчам да не се задълбавате много в графата "лапсуси и запетаи", освен ако примерите не са си трудни по принцип.Това не е малко разказче и не може да му извадите всички кирливи ризи.Ако имам право на глас, бих искал критиката ви да не се занимава основно с граматиката.Предполагам, че няма да ви заболи много, ако я пропуснете(синтаксисът и морфологичният разбор, без стилистиката). :)

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:51 pm
by Itilon
Ако имам право на глас, бих искал критиката ви да не се занимава основно с граматиката.
Добре де, а какво искаш да коментираме? Философските идеи? :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:58 pm
by LightOne
Само казвам, че ако започнете абзац по абзац ще си играете цяла година.Затова не отделяйте време на еднократни широкоизвестни грешки, а на тези, които се повтарят или са специфични.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:09 pm
by shayhiri
ОК. Капитан Шайх пак идва на помощ. Нека наистина обсъдим "голямата картина".

Как си с английския, Светли? Ако добре, отговори моля (с честно да или не) на следните въпроси относно творбата ти - пълната, а не само тва, което е написано (което си пуснал :wink: ). Ако не разбираш английски, ще ти преведа по-важното - което още отсега съм подчертал.
Spoiler: show
Does nothing happen in the first fifty pages?

Is your main character a young farmhand with mysterious parentage?

Is your main character the heir to the throne but doesn't know it?

Is your story about a young character who comes of age, gains great power, and defeats the supreme badguy?

Is your story about a quest for a magical artifact that will save the world?

How about one that will destroy it?

Does your story revolve around an ancient prophecy about "The One" who will save the world and everybody and all the forces of good?

Does your novel contain a character whose sole purpose is to show up at random plot points and dispense information?

Does your novel contain a character that is really a god in disguise?

Is the evil supreme badguy secretly the father of your main character?

Is the king of your world a kindly king duped by an evil magician?

Does "a forgetful wizard" describe any of the characters in your novel?

How about "a powerful but slow and kind-hearted warrior"?

How about "a wise, mystical sage who refuses to give away plot details for his own personal, mysterious reasons"?

Do the female characters in your novel spend a lot of time worrying about how they look, especially when the male main character is around?

Do any of your female characters exist solely to be captured and rescued?

Do any of your female characters exist solely to embody feminist ideals?

Would "a clumsy cooking wench more comfortable with a frying pan than a sword" aptly describe any of your female characters?

Would "a fearless warrioress more comfortable with a sword than a frying pan" aptly describe any of your female characters?

Is any character in your novel best described as "a dour dwarf"?

How about "a half-elf torn between his human and elven heritage"?

Did you make the elves and the dwarves great friends, just to be different?

Does everybody under four feet tall exist solely for comic relief?

Do you think that the only two uses for ships are fishing and piracy?

Do you not know when the hay baler was invented?

Did you draw a map for your novel which includes places named things like "The Blasted Lands" or "The Forest of Fear" or "The Desert of Desolation" or absolutely anything "of Doom"?

Does your novel contain a prologue that is impossible to understand until you've read the entire book, if even then?

Is this the first book in a planned trilogy?

How about a quintet or a decalogue?

Is your novel thicker than a New York City phone book?

Did absolutely nothing happen in the previous book you wrote, yet you figure you're still many sequels away from finishing your "story"?

Are you writing prequels to your as-yet-unfinished series of books?

Is your name Robert Jordan and you lied like a dog to get this far?

Is your novel based on the adventures of your role-playing group?

Does your novel contain characters transported from the real world to a fantasy realm?

Do any of your main characters have apostrophes or dashes in their names?

Do any of your main characters have names longer than three syllables?

Do you see nothing wrong with having two characters from the same small isolated village being named "Tim Umber" and "Belthusalanthalus al'Grinsok"?

Does your novel contain orcs, elves, dwarves, or halflings?

How about "orken" or "dwerrows"?

Do you have a race prefixed by "half-"?

At any point in your novel, do the main characters take a shortcut through ancient dwarven mines?

Do you write your battle scenes by playing them out in your favorite RPG?

Have you done up game statistics for all of your main characters in your favorite RPG?

Are you writing a work-for-hire for Wizards of the Coast?

Do inns in your book exist solely so your main characters can have brawls?

Do you think you know how feudalism worked but really don't?

Do your characters spend an inordinate amount of time journeying from place to place?

Could one of your main characters tell the other characters something that would really help them in their quest but refuses to do so just so it won't break the plot?

Do any of the magic users in your novel cast spells easily identifiable as "fireball" or "lightning bolt"?

Do you ever use the term "mana" in your novel?

Do you ever use the term "plate mail" in your novel?

Heaven help you, do you ever use the term "hit points" in your novel?

Do you not realize how much gold actually weighs?

Do you think horses can gallop all day long without rest?

Does anybody in your novel fight for two hours straight in full plate armor, then ride a horse for four hours, then delicately make love to a willing barmaid all in the same day?

Does your main character have a magic axe, hammer, spear, or other weapon that returns to him when he throws it?

Does anybody in your novel ever stab anybody with a scimitar?

Does anybody in your novel stab anybody straight through plate armor?

Do you think swords weigh ten pounds or more?

Does your hero fall in love with an unattainable woman, whom he later attains?

Does a large portion of the humor in your novel consist of puns?

Is your hero able to withstand multiple blows from the fantasy equivalent of a ten pound sledge but is still threatened by a small woman with a dagger?

Do you really think it frequently takes more than one arrow in the chest to kill a man?

Do you not realize it takes hours to make a good stew, making it a poor choice for an "on the road" meal?

Do you have nomadic barbarians living on the tundra and consuming barrels and barrels of mead?

Do you think that "mead" is just a fancy name for "beer"?

Does your story involve a number of different races, each of which has exactly one country, one ruler, and one religion?

Is the best organized and most numerous group of people in your world the thieves' guild?

Does your main villain punish insignificant mistakes with death?

Is your story about a crack team of warriors that take along a bard who is useless in a fight, though he plays a mean lute?

Is "common" the official language of your world?

Is the countryside in your novel littered with tombs and gravesites filled with ancient magical loot that nobody thought to steal centuries before?

Is your book basically a rip-off of The Lord of the Rings?

Or of Wheel of Time, which is a rip-off itself?

Read that question again and answer truthfully.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:22 pm
by RRSunknown
shayhiri wrote:ОК. Капитан Шайх пак идва на помощ. Нека наистина обсъдим "голямата картина".

Как си с английския, Светли? Ако добре, отговори моля (с честно да или не) на следните въпроси относно творбата ти - пълната, а не само тва, което е написано (което си пуснал :wink: ). Ако не разбираш английски, ще ти преведа по-важното - което още отсега съм подчертал.
Spoiler: show
Does nothing happen in the first fifty pages?

Is your main character a young farmhand with mysterious parentage?

Is your main character the heir to the throne but doesn't know it?

Is your story about a young character who comes of age, gains great power, and defeats the supreme badguy?

Is your story about a quest for a magical artifact that will save the world?

How about one that will destroy it?

Does your story revolve around an ancient prophecy about "The One" who will save the world and everybody and all the forces of good?

Does your novel contain a character whose sole purpose is to show up at random plot points and dispense information?

Does your novel contain a character that is really a god in disguise?

Is the evil supreme badguy secretly the father of your main character?

Is the king of your world a kindly king duped by an evil magician?

Does "a forgetful wizard" describe any of the characters in your novel?

How about "a powerful but slow and kind-hearted warrior"?

How about "a wise, mystical sage who refuses to give away plot details for his own personal, mysterious reasons"?

Do the female characters in your novel spend a lot of time worrying about how they look, especially when the male main character is around?

Do any of your female characters exist solely to be captured and rescued?

Do any of your female characters exist solely to embody feminist ideals?

Would "a clumsy cooking wench more comfortable with a frying pan than a sword" aptly describe any of your female characters?

Would "a fearless warrioress more comfortable with a sword than a frying pan" aptly describe any of your female characters?

Is any character in your novel best described as "a dour dwarf"?

How about "a half-elf torn between his human and elven heritage"?

Did you make the elves and the dwarves great friends, just to be different?

Does everybody under four feet tall exist solely for comic relief?

Do you think that the only two uses for ships are fishing and piracy?

Do you not know when the hay baler was invented?

Did you draw a map for your novel which includes places named things like "The Blasted Lands" or "The Forest of Fear" or "The Desert of Desolation" or absolutely anything "of Doom"?

Does your novel contain a prologue that is impossible to understand until you've read the entire book, if even then?

Is this the first book in a planned trilogy?

How about a quintet or a decalogue?

Is your novel thicker than a New York City phone book?

Did absolutely nothing happen in the previous book you wrote, yet you figure you're still many sequels away from finishing your "story"?

Are you writing prequels to your as-yet-unfinished series of books?

Is your name Robert Jordan and you lied like a dog to get this far?

Is your novel based on the adventures of your role-playing group?

Does your novel contain characters transported from the real world to a fantasy realm?

Do any of your main characters have apostrophes or dashes in their names?

Do any of your main characters have names longer than three syllables?

Do you see nothing wrong with having two characters from the same small isolated village being named "Tim Umber" and "Belthusalanthalus al'Grinsok"?

Does your novel contain orcs, elves, dwarves, or halflings?

How about "orken" or "dwerrows"?

Do you have a race prefixed by "half-"?

At any point in your novel, do the main characters take a shortcut through ancient dwarven mines?

Do you write your battle scenes by playing them out in your favorite RPG?

Have you done up game statistics for all of your main characters in your favorite RPG?

Are you writing a work-for-hire for Wizards of the Coast?

Do inns in your book exist solely so your main characters can have brawls?

Do you think you know how feudalism worked but really don't?

Do your characters spend an inordinate amount of time journeying from place to place?

Could one of your main characters tell the other characters something that would really help them in their quest but refuses to do so just so it won't break the plot?

Do any of the magic users in your novel cast spells easily identifiable as "fireball" or "lightning bolt"?

Do you ever use the term "mana" in your novel?

Do you ever use the term "plate mail" in your novel?

Heaven help you, do you ever use the term "hit points" in your novel?

Do you not realize how much gold actually weighs?

Do you think horses can gallop all day long without rest?

Does anybody in your novel fight for two hours straight in full plate armor, then ride a horse for four hours, then delicately make love to a willing barmaid all in the same day?

Does your main character have a magic axe, hammer, spear, or other weapon that returns to him when he throws it?

Does anybody in your novel ever stab anybody with a scimitar?

Does anybody in your novel stab anybody straight through plate armor?

Do you think swords weigh ten pounds or more?

Does your hero fall in love with an unattainable woman, whom he later attains?

Does a large portion of the humor in your novel consist of puns?

Is your hero able to withstand multiple blows from the fantasy equivalent of a ten pound sledge but is still threatened by a small woman with a dagger?

Do you really think it frequently takes more than one arrow in the chest to kill a man?

Do you not realize it takes hours to make a good stew, making it a poor choice for an "on the road" meal?

Do you have nomadic barbarians living on the tundra and consuming barrels and barrels of mead?

Do you think that "mead" is just a fancy name for "beer"?

Does your story involve a number of different races, each of which has exactly one country, one ruler, and one religion?

Is the best organized and most numerous group of people in your world the thieves' guild?

Does your main villain punish insignificant mistakes with death?

Is your story about a crack team of warriors that take along a bard who is useless in a fight, though he plays a mean lute?

Is "common" the official language of your world?

Is the countryside in your novel littered with tombs and gravesites filled with ancient magical loot that nobody thought to steal centuries before?

Is your book basically a rip-off of The Lord of the Rings?

Or of Wheel of Time, which is a rip-off itself?

Read that question again and answer truthfully.
Точно това се опитах да му загатна и аз. Шайха както винаги удря в десетката.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:59 pm
by LightOne
shayhiri wrote:ОК. Капитан Шайх пак идва на помощ. Нека наистина обсъдим "голямата картина".

Как си с английския, Светли? Ако добре, отговори моля (с честно да или не) на следните въпроси относно творбата ти - пълната, а не само тва, което е написано (което си пуснал :wink: ). Ако не разбираш английски, ще ти преведа по-важното - което още отсега съм подчертал.
Spoiler: show
Does nothing happen in the first fifty pages?

Is your main character a young farmhand with mysterious parentage?
Да, но не кралско, ако това имаш предвид.
Is your main character the heir to the throne but doesn't know it?
Виж горе.
Is your story about a young character who comes of age, gains great power, and defeats the supreme badguy?
ами не е много грейт.
Is your story about a quest for a magical artifact that will save the world?
How about one that will destroy it?
тук ще преведеш
Does your story revolve around an ancient prophecy about "The One" who will save the world and everybody and all the forces of good?
Така изглежда на пръв поглед.Но във втората част разкривам, че всъщност истинското пророчество е Тъмното пророчество(на Мрака демек)
Does your novel contain a character whose sole purpose is to show up at random plot points and dispense information?
хъм...не съм се замислял.Но все пак за каква информация имаш предвид.Ако става въпрос за бъдеща, то Крам си ги открива нещата самичък.Е, с малки изключения, но не са относно "голямата картина"
Does your novel contain a character that is really a god in disguise?

не, никакви богове.
Is the evil supreme badguy secretly the father of your main character?
Да, разкривам го в края на третата част.
Is the king of your world a kindly king duped by an evil magician?
Does "a forgetful wizard" describe any of the characters in your novel?
разсеян ли трябва да се преведе?Ако е така не мисля, че непохватността му иде от разсеяност.
How about "a powerful but slow and kind-hearted warrior"?
тук пак ще помоля за превод- сватам нещо, но да съм си сигурен все пак
How about "a wise, mystical sage who refuses to give away plot details for his own personal, mysterious reasons"?
Do the female characters in your novel spend a lot of time worrying about how they look, especially when the male main character is around?
Do any of your female characters exist solely to be captured and rescued?

Do any of your female characters exist solely to embody feminist ideals?
А сега де!Май че не прокламирам чрез никой феминистки идеи.
Would "a clumsy cooking wench more comfortable with a frying pan than a sword" aptly describe any of your female characters?
Ами май не, нямам жена-боец, ако правилно съм разбрал
Would "a fearless warrioress more comfortable with a sword than a frying pan" aptly describe any of your female characters?

Is any character in your novel best described as "a dour dwarf"?
How about "a half-elf torn between his human and elven heritage"?
Did you make the elves and the dwarves great friends, just to be different?
Does everybody under four feet tall exist solely for comic relief?
Do you think that the only two uses for ships are fishing and piracy?
Do you not know when the hay baler was invented?
не помня
Did you draw a map for your novel which includes places named things like "The Blasted Lands" or "The Forest of Fear" or "The Desert of Desolation" or absolutely anything "of Doom"?
Does your novel contain a prologue that is impossible to understand until you've read the entire book, if even then?
Is this the first book in a planned trilogy?
не е трилогия.
How about a quintet or a decalogue?

Is your novel thicker than a New York City phone book?
e, откъде да знам.Вие сте критиците.
Did absolutely nothing happen in the previous book you wrote, yet you figure you're still many sequels away from finishing your "story"?
Абе по-хубаво ми го преведи
Are you writing prequels to your as-yet-unfinished series of books?
Is your name Robert Jordan and you lied like a dog to get this far?
:) чаках този въпрос.Както казах това ми беше единственият пример за фентъзи и няма как да няма допирателни, НО НЕ СЪМ СЕ СТРЕМЯЛ СЪЗНАТЕЛНО ДА ГО КОПИРАМ.
Is your novel based on the adventures of your role-playing group?
Does your novel contain characters transported from the real world to a fantasy realm?
Има, но е не наблегнато върху него.
Do any of your main characters have apostrophes or dashes in their names?
Do any of your main characters have names longer than three syllables?
задължително условие ли е повечето имена да са трудно произносими?Защото явно при този критерий съм се провалил
Do you see nothing wrong with having two characters from the same small isolated village being named "Tim Umber" and "Belthusalanthalus al'Grinsok"?
Естествено, но аз поне не виждам такава разлика с мои примери.Или бъркам?
Does your novel contain orcs, elves, dwarves, or halflings?
How about "orken" or "dwerrows"?
все пак трябва да има нещо чудовищно, нали?
Do you have a race prefixed by "half-"?
At any point in your novel, do the main characters take a shortcut through ancient dwarven mines?
Do you write your battle scenes by playing them out in your favorite RPG?
Нямам любимо РПГ, най-малкото защото не съм чел таквоз животно
Have you done up game statistics for all of your main characters in your favorite RPG?
Are you writing a work-for-hire for Wizards of the Coast?
Do inns in your book exist solely so your main characters can have brawls?
Do you think you know how feudalism worked but really don't?
нямам такъв елемент
Do your characters spend an inordinate amount of time journeying from place to place?
Не, таз подробност съм я изчистил. :)
Could one of your main characters tell the other characters something that would really help them in their quest but refuses to do so just so it won't break the plot?
Do any of the magic users in your novel cast spells easily identifiable as "fireball" or "lightning bolt"?
това не му разбрах какво целиш.
Do you ever use the term "mana" in your novel?
Do you ever use the term "plate mail" in your novel?
не и пряко
Heaven help you, do you ever use the term "hit points" in your novel?
Do you not realize how much gold actually weighs?
и това в момента съм забравил
Do you think horses can gallop all day long without rest?
Does anybody in your novel fight for two hours straight in full plate armor, then ride a horse for four hours, then delicately make love to a willing barmaid all in the same day?
Does your main character have a magic axe, hammer, spear, or other weapon that returns to him when he throws it?
Does anybody in your novel ever stab anybody with a scimitar?
Does anybody in your novel stab anybody straight through plate armor?
Do you think swords weigh ten pounds or more?
не знам колко е десет паунда
Does your hero fall in love with an unattainable woman, whom he later attains?
Ха!Недостижима?Не бих я определил точно с този термин
Does a large portion of the humor in your novel consist of puns?
не съм хуморист, признавам
Is your hero able to withstand multiple blows from the fantasy equivalent of a ten pound sledge but is still threatened by a small woman with a dagger?
Do you really think it frequently takes more than one arrow in the chest to kill a man?
ако е в сърцето, къде ще ходи та да не умре
Do you not realize it takes hours to make a good stew, making it a poor choice for an "on the road" meal?
Do you have nomadic barbarians living on the tundra and consuming barrels and barrels of mead?
Do you think that "mead" is just a fancy name for "beer"?
не знам, не съм я използвал.
Does your story involve a number of different races, each of which has exactly one country, one ruler, and one religion?
Is the best organized and most numerous group of people in your world the thieves' guild?
сигурно, но не съм им обръщал внимание
Does your main villain punish insignificant mistakes with death?
Is your story about a crack team of warriors that take along a bard who is useless in a fight, though he plays a mean lute?
Is "common" the official language of your world?
Is the countryside in your novel littered with tombs and gravesites filled with ancient magical loot that nobody thought to steal centuries before?
Is your book basically a rip-off of The Lord of the Rings?
Or of Wheel of Time, which is a rip-off itself?
Read that question again and answer truthfully.
Доволен ли си?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:20 pm
by RRSunknown
Чакай да ти преведа някои работи:
How about "a powerful but slow and kind-hearted warrior"?
Як и глуповат боец, но с добро сърце.

Is your hero able to withstand multiple blows from the fantasy equivalent of a ten pound sledge but is still threatened by a small woman with a dagger
Героят ти е способен да понесе много удари от фентъзи еквивалента на 50 килограмов парен чук но въпреки това е заплашен от малка жена с джобна кама.

*1 паунд е около 400 грама.