Гледано напоследък, част III

Мне, не е това, което си мислите... за архиви иде реч

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Post by Mushu » Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:53 pm

Това както го описваш е от аниметата, до които не припарвам, пък ако ще и гениални да ми ги описват :lol: Хвърлих един поглед на картинките и вече ми е ясно защо съм го скипнала като са го давали :)
Иначе изгледах и аз днес първия епизод на Arslan Senki - установих, че нищичко не помня от старите серии, освен Арслан очевидно :) Мисля, че ще ми бъде интересно, има хубави мъжоря, ще се гледа :)
Изгледах и готварското аниме - малко оргазмиращите хорица ми идват в повече, но има потенциал, засега ще се гледа и то.
И последно май засега съм тествала и вампирското - така като гледам стандартното аниме, в което на някое рандъм момче му избиват всички приятели и роднини и той се превръща в борец за справедливост :roll: Но все пак вампири, така че ще се гледа засега.
Не съм сигурна остана ли друго да тествам, имаше нещо за някакви тъмници май...

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Post by alshu » Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:05 am

Тъмниците мисля няма да ти харесат.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Amelia » Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:06 am

Обобщението ми за Крос Андже от аниме.лудост:

Крос Андже е лесбо порнак, който някой за съжаление е решил да развали със сюжет и керъктър девелопмент.

Резултатът е некохерентен шайт, който не знае кво точно иска да бъде, затва в 25 епизода е всичко и като краен резултат - нищо. Изгледах го заради порното, екшъна и защото исках да видя ква е хавата с маната. За съжаление някви виеха на почивки и това направи експириънса още по-труднопоносим.

Надявам се авторите на тоя бълвоч следващия път да се ограничат до порното. И без песни, плз. Също, без опити за лежерен ечи хумор - мразя да ми разводняват секс сцените със софткор простащини. В смисъл, когато в предишен кадър сме успели да стигнем до лижещи се жени, картинката на мейдка с гащички само убива еро инерцията и ми губи времето. Ако това аниме беше честно към себе си и беше оставило героините на ниво стенеща вагина, вместо да се зори да им изгражда персоналитита и лични драми, щеше да е много по-добре.
My Anime List , My Manga List

Oui. Je suis garbage.

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Post by alshu » Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:15 am

Kekkai Sensen ep. 1 - епизодът много ме изкефи. Сетингът е доста комплексен и прилича на някаква смесица между Gintama и Durarara (може би с щипка Draker Than Black за подправка). Всички герои освен главния са яки и симпатични. Анимацията е много добра. Битките са сюрреалистични и абсолютно шантави. Историята тече динамично. Един от готините бъзици е обявяването на бойните техники.
Минус който забелязвам - какъв стандартен мухльо е протагонистът и какви мощни сили са му раздали, само за да не е съвсем безполезен, ма някак се търпи, щото е стандарт за жанра.
До тук много добре, да видим отвъд епизода за зарибявка.

Teekyuu 4 ep. 1 - яко както обикновено.

Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off ep. 1 - бе забавно е, но не е толкова яко колкото Teekyuu.

Yatterman ep. 53-54 - стандартните кретенизми. Хелуин епизодът беше готин, особено меката на Бандата на черепа.

Kaitou Joker 2nd Season ep. 1 - стандартен сладурски епизод, но геговете с инспектора бяха тъпи. Чак пък толкоз да прилича на колегата си Накамори от Magic Kaitou...
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:01 am

Kyoukai no Rinne (TV) ep. 1 - бе хубаво Румико Такахачи ама всичко е дървено в това аниме. Дизайнът, анимацията, диалозите, хуморът, че дори играта на сеютата.
Засега ми е любопитно, но това аниме идва като по-бедния грозноват и простоват братовчед на Инуяша...без битките и епичната история.

Triage X ep. 1 - не че очаквах нещо от тези гигантски цици, ама артът наистина е много зле, а анимациите в бойните сцени почти липсва. Дразнещо е и с какъв патос героите бълват псевдомедецинските си речи, дето трябва да описват обществото. За историята няма много да отварям дума, щото включва тяло възстановено с части от най-добрия приятел на героя (операциите извършени от бащата на жертвата и шеф на организацията), както и най-тъпото честно ченге на всички времена. :shock:
Та дроп със замах, защото дори и мацките не се гледат добре в кадър.

Yatterman ep. 56 - стандартните кретенщини.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:45 pm

The Disappearance of Conan Edogawa: The Worst Two Days in History - спешъл, който всъщност си е с дължината на пълнометражен филм. За разлика от другите филми за Detective Conan, този е по сюжет на автора на комикса - Гошо Аояма.
Новият герой - убиецът Кондо, явно е разработван за самостоятелна история и митология в същия свят подобно на Кайто Кид, но поради популярността на Конан, и той се появява само за кратко под егидата на централното шоу.
Хареса ми много, но имаше и някои глупости характерни за ранните истории с Конан, които аз преглътнах без проблем, но зрители незапознати с идиосинкратизмите, може да не им се зарадват толкова. :lol:
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:24 pm

Etotama ep. 1 - това с китайския зодиак е доста елементарно, но много сладурско. Тонове гегове за отакута. Шарени картинки. Първата арената беше интересна. Системата за асцендване в ранговете още не съвсем ясна.
Бе, все неща които ще ме задържат на брода.

Shokugeki no Souma ep. 2 - забавно като предния епизод, но пак ми идва развлачено.

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku ep. 2 - май беше ясно още от предния епизод как нашичкия ще се жертва за колектива, пък той ще го вземе за жертвен овен.

Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka ep. 2 - балът беше голям бъзик. Всички богове са някакви gender flip-нати версии.

Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me ep. 2 - мдаммм, азиатците имат някакви странни суеверия за съвместимостта :lol: .

Anime de Wakaru Shinryounaika ep. 9 - а, то нямало фетишизъм докато игнорираш съществуването му.

Gunslinger Stratos: The Animation ep. 2 - като обясниха сетинга, нещата станаха още по-безумни :lol: .
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:19 pm

Kekkai Sensen ep. 2 - и втори епизод беше много як. Страхотни дизайни, добра анимация, прекрасно използване на музиката. Най-красива беше колата. Тя от части ми напомня на тази от SpeedRacer, отчасти на автомобила от The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (да знам, ужасен филм, но страхотен дизайн на автомобила и на подводницата Наутилус). Леговището от което излезна, пък ми напомни за анимето The Big O.
И още mandatory Rie Kugimiya.
Другите сеюта са жестоки естествено.

Punchline ep. 1 - maximum over drive на референции към други места. Кеф ти аниме (дори хванах Аetecive Conan отпратка), кеф ти Холивуд.
Оригиналната история и шегички хич не са лоши и са доста интензивни. Хуморът е най-вече за хентаците. Сладурски керъктър дизайн и нелош друг арт.
Харесва ми. Засега ще го следя.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:27 pm

Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (TV) ep. 1 - засега е готино идейно и динамично. Сеютата превключват много добре между ролите. Геговете са добри.

Arslan Senki (TV) ep. 2 - втора серия ми хареса повече. Развитието на героите си идваше толкова на мястото.

Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) 2nd Season ep. 2 - непознати от старото аниме герои и събития. Това ми харесва. Мазният блондин дето всички се преструваме, че не знаем кой е, мачка тежкарски. Момокулуските бяха много подходящи - и с начина на мислене и с ограниченията си.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:02 am

Kaitou Joker 2nd Season ep. 2 - вторият сезон продължава да не ме кефи толкова...Готвачката беше някакво Doronjo proxy.

Teekyuu 4 ep. 2 - яко както обикновено.

Takamiya Nasuno Desu!: Teekyuu Spin-off ep. 2 - засили се малко спрямо първи епизод.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by Mushu » Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:41 pm

Изгледах и аз двата епизода на Kekkai Sensen - доволна съм, ще се гледа :) Особено ме кефи факта, че половината каст е от Гинтама :)

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Post by alshu » Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:59 am

Kyoukai no Rinne (TV) ep. 2 - имаше някой и друг интересен момент, но ми е скучно и дървено.
Дропвам, защото списъкът и без това ми е претъпкан.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:04 pm

Ninja Slayer From Animation ep. 1 - това е невъзможен идиотизъм и грозотия, но ме радва по неповторим и неописуем начин с ретардщината си. :lol: "Артът" е психделично безумие. Някой спомена, как можело да мине и без анимация, а само с изрезки от хартия. Всъщност си мисля, от темата би излязъл перфектен сериен скеч за The Muppet Show :lol: (иде нов сезон между другото).
Сборният ефект е, поредица от вицове серията "тъпи" съчетано с нечие пиянско бълнуване.
Музиката е доста яка.
В крайна сметка ще го следя с интерес, колкото и тъпашко да е.

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku ep. 3 - тази серия нещо ми беше тъпа. Само каката беше забавна с нейните извратени игрички.

Shokugeki no Souma ep. 3 - ъх, не че не е интересно, но развлачването ми проваля целия кеф.

Punchline ep. 2 - много шарено и приятно аниманце. Артът, играта на сеютата, таймингът на шегичките - всичко ми идва перфектно.

Etotama ep. 2 - уау, моята китайска зодия била много извратена :lol: . Повече ечи и по-малко свестни шегички, но пак става.

Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka ep. 3 - до сега някак ставаше (комедийка, ечи), ма тук го разточиха в патетика и речи по шоненски. По всичко личи, че ще продължи в същия стил, та затова - дроп.

Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me ep. 3 - стандартно епизодче.

Anime de Wakaru Shinryounaika ep. 10 - стандартно епизодче...на тема ексхибиционизъм. Най-доброто лекарство било да извикаш полицията. Е, това се знаеше.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:13 am

Kekkai Sensen ep. 3 - принципно не харесвам този trope, където интензитета на умствена игра се представя с физическото изтощение на играчите, но тук някак го преглътнах, а и абсолютно шантавите арт презентации на етапите от самия геймплей бяха страшно готини.
Локациите, които показаха - също.
Не се случи много в този епизод, но беше приятен и красив за гледане.

Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) 2nd Season ep. 3 - Илиа и Херкулес са ми най-малко интересните персонажи, но пък не беше зле за научим нещо повече за тях.
Дойде доста ръшнато, но ако представят детайлно всеки един от героите, ще го докарат до 50 серии...

Arslan Senki (TV) ep. 3 - това чудо продължава да ме кефи, нищо че с това темпо едва ли ще стигнат по-далече от историята в старото OVA.
Историите от този автор трябва да се разказват, приблизително по този начин и затова Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu му е най-добрата адаптация - отделя време за диалозите и fog of war гледната точка на персонажите.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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Post by alshu » Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:51 am

Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (TV) ep. 3 - нещо не беше толкова добро, колкото в първи епизод или OVA-та. Очертава се, че всички ученици в тази гимназия са пълни идиоти и един свестен чиляк няма за цвят :lol: .
Плюсът е, че и това сею превключва добре в мъжката роля.
The coffee had been steadily growing more and more execrable for the space of three weeks, till at last it had ceased to be coffee altogether and had assumed the nature of mere discolored water — so this person said. He said it was so weak that it was transparent an inch in depth around the edge of the cup. As he approached the table one morning he saw the transparent edge — by means of his extraordinary vision long before he got to his seat. He went back and complained in a high-handed way to Capt. Duncan. He said the coffee was disgraceful. The Captain showed his. It seemed tolerably good. The incipient mutineer was more outraged than ever, then, at what he denounced as the partiality shown the captain’s table over the other tables in the ship. He flourished back and got his cup and set it down triumphantly, and said:

“Just try that mixture once, Captain Duncan.”

He smelt it — tasted it — smiled benignantly — then said:

“It is inferior — for coffee — but it is pretty fair tea.”

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