"Царство небесно"

Филми, бре, филми... Джена Джеймсън, Трейси Лордс – we have them all!
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Post by Roland » Fri May 06, 2005 12:23 pm

Scourge wrote:не се мъчи да се обясняваш за визията, тук се ценят само дълбокосюжетни филми или поне такива, които отговарят на въпроса "защо?" :P :twisted: :wink:
And you can't dance with a devil on your back...

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Post by armageddon » Fri May 06, 2005 12:55 pm

Или филми които освен визия предлагат някакуф пълнеж така да се каже, например смислен сюжет, евентуално и интересни герои? И поне миничък напън за акторска игра? (За бат Орльо квото и да си говорим, остава факта че все още ми изглежда нелепо във визията от Царството Небесно, и не може да играе)

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Post by Demandred » Fri May 06, 2005 3:49 pm

Логиката е, че като не можеш да имаш всичко (изброено от теб) накуп, спокойно би могъл да оцениш и една част от него - в случая визията; иначе губиш всичко. Поне обръгнал в практическата философия изрод като мен може.
Защо да не може? Да не кажеш, че въобще няма филми, които да имат всичко от изброеното? И мисълта ми беше, че очевидно, винаги е по-добре страхотна визия + смислен сюжет и идея отколкото страхотна визия + малоумен сюжет + пълна безидейност. Дори и да можеш да измисляш къде по-смислени сюжетуи примерно.

Иначе и аз съм харесал немалко филми почти само заради визията, но не мога да нарека шедьовър или дори много хубав филм, който има само това и всичко друго му куца. Мога да оценя красотата, но пък само заради това да нарека даден филм шедьовър, като има толкова много други, които са също прекрасни визуално, но имат и много други достойнства в допълнение, не ми се струва особено логично.
Sure your parents might think you're a failure
But no one's ever said: "First, let's kill all the tailors"
Don't be a lawyer!

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Post by Drizzt Do`Urden » Fri May 06, 2005 7:35 pm

ъъъ.. това не сме ли го обсъждали вече някъде?
-You Said it yourself, Kain.. There Are only two sides to a coin..
-Apparently so. But suppose you throw a coin enough times... But suppose one day, it lands on its edge..

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Post by shayhiri » Fri May 06, 2005 9:25 pm

Демандред, прав си, разбира се. Но този филм си има всичко. Въпросът е конкретно какво и къде търсиш. (Ако сте фанатизирани християни/войнолюбци НЕ го гледайте. :wink:)

Вижте това ревю. То казва всичко.

Следват Зли Спойлъри!:)

Magnificent visuals and a rousing tale sweep aside 'Kingdom's' flaws

More than ever, Hollywood has become a cinema of fantasy and escapism. But every so often, a powerful director manages to marshal its forces to make a statement or impart a vision that's courageously relevant to what's going on in the real world.

We had a good example of this just two weeks ago with Sydney Pollack's United Nations thriller, "The Interpreter," and we have another in Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven," a 12th-century epic that takes on one of the defining political issues of our day: the control of Jerusalem.

It's flawed and often confusing, and its lead, Orlando Bloom, delivers nowhere near the rousing star turn that Russell Crowe pulled off in Scott's last historical epic, "Gladiator," which opened Hollywood's summer movie season on this same date five years ago.

But its concept is gutsy, its script is literate and intelligent, its visuals and cinematic craftsmanship are mouth-dropping, and its vision of the insanity of various religions vying to dominate the real estate of the Holy Land comes through with great power.

Its hero is Balian (Bloom), a grieving French country blacksmith in need of absolution who, in the film's opening sequence, is reunited with his contrite nobleman father (Liam Neeson) and joins him in his crusade to the Holy Land as one of his knights.

On the way, he earns the animosity of the evil heir apparent to the crusaders' Kingdom of Jerusalem (Marton Csokas); and, when he gets there, he finds himself attracted to the man's wife (Eva Green), the sister of the present king (Edward Norton, uncredited).

This king has leprosy but he's an enlightened leader who keeps the city open to all religions and has a shaky truce going on with Saladin (Ghassan Massoud), the great Muslim sultan and general who also wants to maintain peace and keep the city open to everyone.

So the plot has the two visionary leaders struggling to keep this order as fanatics on both sides (particularly the Christian side) conspire to destroy it, and Balian gradually finds himself leader of the Christian forces defending the walled city in a climactic siege.

In the course of all this, Bloom is both a strong and weak point of the film. He is a good actor with a likably soulful presence, but he looks physically frail and never seems especially credible slashing around the screen with a broadsword.

(Yes, he was effective as Legolas in the action scenes of "Lord of the Rings," but in those films he played an elf. His part here demands a bulkier, more physical actor, such as Crowe or Neeson, who is so good in his few scenes that you want him to be the star.)

Moreover, the script doesn't even hint at how this rural blacksmith might have learned the skills of knightly combat he displays throughout or, even more perplexing, how he learned the complex battle strategy and tactics that he displays in the climax.

The script also makes it hard to follow the line of his moral growth. At a key point, he's offered the kingdom and the women he loves but he won't accept them because they come at the expense of his villainous rival, and his new-found moral code won't allow it.

Yet this follows a scene in which he energetically commits adultery with the villain's wife and, since his acceptance of the kingdom would have been a blow for justice and spared a slaughter, we lose all sympathy for him: He just looks like a stubborn hypocrite.

It should be noted Scott also employs something of a double standard throughout, depicting his Christians and their clergy mostly as villainous buffoons but being very careful not to show the Muslim religion and its mullahs in a similarly dim light. No use starting a jihad.

Still, even though the movie is easy to pick at and doesn't entirely work, its guiding vision does come through, and, in its totality, it's bravely anti-organized religion in its celebration of individual common-sense right action.

And its best scene -- in which Saladin explains how Jerusalem means both "nothing" and "everything" to all involved -- is a very compelling argument for the growing contention that the city should be internationalized and administered for all faiths by the United Nations.

There's also no getting around the fact that "Kingdom of Heaven" is one of the most visually beautiful historical epics ever made by Hollywood: a film in which every shot seems so imaginatively and strikingly composed it could hang in the Louvre.

Mixing Moroccan and Spanish locations, a huge standing set of Jerusalem, life-size siege towers and catapults, and the movies' most realistic computer-generated battle scenes to date, "Kingdom of Heaven" makes a large and important chunk of history come alive before our eyes.

Like his hero, David Lean, Ridley Scott always has trouble with his scripts, but -- whether he's dealing with the past of "Gladiator," the present of "Black Hawk Down" or the future of "Blade Runner" -- he also always manages to magnificently fill his screen.

It's more than just visual opulence: His scenes have a verve and naturalism that are positively thrilling. None of his contemporaries, not even Steven Spielberg, has a greater eye for the epic and, in this department, "Kingdom of Heaven" is one of his finest achievements.

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Post by Roland » Fri May 06, 2005 9:39 pm

Демек, яко за гледане и нищо повече. Мерси, това ревю съвсем ме убеди, че не трябва да се докосвам и с триметров прът до тоя филм.
And you can't dance with a devil on your back...

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Post by shayhiri » Fri May 06, 2005 9:44 pm

Аз съм си честен. Каквото пише - това е. Всеки си решава. :D

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Post by Ghibli » Sat May 07, 2005 12:42 pm

В това ревю има спойлери, не е зле да сложите една бележка. Дори Орландо Блум няма да ме откаже да гледам този филм, по простата причина, че е за рицари :)
PICARD: Now, are we progressing, Mister La Forge?
LAFORGE: About like you'd expect, sir.
PICARD: Splendid. Splendid. Carry on.

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Post by Roland » Sat May 07, 2005 12:46 pm

Къде спойлери? Или ти смяташ и сюжета да следиш?
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Post by Ghibli » Sat May 07, 2005 12:50 pm

Това е една от целите, с които се ходи на кино обикновено, да.
PICARD: Now, are we progressing, Mister La Forge?
LAFORGE: About like you'd expect, sir.
PICARD: Splendid. Splendid. Carry on.

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Post by Roland » Sat May 07, 2005 1:03 pm

Дори на този филм? В смисъл... whatever.
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Post by Lubimetz13 » Sat May 07, 2005 7:53 pm

Аз бях там! Видях Го! С очите си, майчице! ОРЛАНДО БЛУУМ БЕЗ ПЕРУКА ИЛИ БОЯ ЗА КОСА!!! *припад*...*припад на квадрат*...

Като оставим това покъртващо наблюдение настрана, филмът ми хареса точно толкова, колкото очаквах - битки-битки-битки-битки, пипната визия, много готин Саладин, битки-битки-битки-битки, много готин актьорски състав изобщо(казвам го, тъй като не включвам Него в актьорския състав, а в декорите, че да не ми разваля впечатлението), битки-битки-битки-битки, и, най-вече, Истинското Лице На Едуард Нортън, което, макар и разкрито само за секунди, отми всички мои заблуди по отношение на родствените му връзки с Джъстин Тимбърлейк(О, ЛИЦЕТО!, крещи естетът в мен, ДАЙТЕ МИ ГО!) :Р Имаше, разбира се,битки-битки-битки-битки, както и доста далечни разминавания с историческата достоверност, а и цяла кошница с типичните за Ридли Скот историко-драматико-патетико бутафории, с които и преди ме е обстрелвал, но, най-общо казано, не съжалявам за прекараното в киното време, защото отидох там със знанието, че ме очаква филм, който не е прекалено сложен за мен. Подозирам, че до премиерата на Епизод ІІІ "Небесно царство" напълно заслужено ще владее боксофиса и душата на средния американец и туй то.

Само да не говорим за декори. За Онзи Декор, по-скоро. По-добре да не говорим за Него, моля.

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Post by Drizzt Do`Urden » Sun May 08, 2005 4:15 pm

О, защо, смея да заявя, че *Той* си играе ролята на декор повече от добре, освен когато не реши да се изявява и като нещо повече. Главен декор, да речем :Р
-You Said it yourself, Kain.. There Are only two sides to a coin..
-Apparently so. But suppose you throw a coin enough times... But suppose one day, it lands on its edge..

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Post by Scourge » Sun May 08, 2005 11:14 pm

превземките ви относно орландо са покъртителни и закъснели с поне година.
човекът се справя съвсем прилично с ролята. самият филм е много приятен и на всичко отгоре запазва част от историческите факти, което си е постижение.

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Post by Morwen » Sun May 08, 2005 11:17 pm

Ок, съгласна съм, че са покъртителни, но защо да са закъснели с година, значи?
I don't wanna die
But I ain't keen on living either

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