Matt Barlow is back in Iced Earth *updated*

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Post by Maledictus » Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:42 pm

Жалко...... Въпреки всичко ще се опитам да го докопам, ей тъй - щото обичам групата....

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Post by Елесар » Sat Oct 11, 2008 8:16 am

Аз пък много се зарадвах, че Мат се върна. Гласът на Оуенс леко ме дразнеше, а и още изтръпвам като се сетя за изпълненията му на Melancholy или The Hunter. В новия албум има малко издънки тук-там, но те не са по вина на Барлоу.
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Post by Yan » Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:51 pm

Here we go again:
Longtime ICED EARTH vocalist Matt Barlow has announced his retirement from the band.

In his heartfelt statement, Barlow cites his commitment to his family and the need for ICED EARTH to tour more as the reasons for his retirement; however, he has committed to perform with ICED EARTH on all 2011 European festival dates, which will be his last with the band.

Matt Barlow's official statement is as follows:

"Brothers and sisters,

"Let me begin by saying how much of an honor it has been to share my time in ICED EARTH with Jon and the guys…and with all of you! Since my return to the band in 2007, it has truly been extraordinary. I have had the opportunity to travel the world and see old friends and meet new ones. Though we had originally thought that the ICED EARTH touring schedule would be very limited, we were able to play our fair share of concerts.

"During that time we were also able to have a live DVD produced [the forthcoming 'Festivals Of The Wicked']. However, due to the rapidly changing music industry, it has become increasingly clear to recording artists that the only way to keep a band viable and to truly reach its potential is through live performances. That means that a band must reach out to new regions of the globe and become pioneers for their own livelihood. Since 2007, Jon and I have always had the best intentions for the future of ICED EARTH, and we still do. However, given the band's projected touring schedule, ICED EARTH's future and mine must now take separate paths.

"On my departure from ICED EARTH in 2003, I made a commitment to my wife and to the idea that we would start, and raise, our family together. Two years later, my first child was born and two years after that, my second. My youngest son was born about a week before Jon asked me to return to ICED EARTH. It was a very exciting and emotional time for all of us, but we were all clear on our intentions. It is apparent to us now that regardless of our belief at that time, time can change an intended outcome. In this instance, I hope that change will not be regarded as a bad thing, but rather as a necessary part of evolution.

"Jon and the band must venture into new realms to continue to grow ICED EARTH. I commend him for his ideals and wish nothing but to share in his vision. I know that this is not the last time Jon and I will work together, but it will be my last endeavor with ICED EARTH. ICED EARTH is a name and force of its own. It has been very good to me and has allowed me to live a dream that others would give most anything for. I have been truly blessed to share this experience with everyone. I will continue to support Jon and ICED EARTH in every way. I will also continue to create and perform in my own capacity.

"These next months will prove to be a very emotional time for me. I am extremely happy to be able to share the experience with Jon, Brent, Freddie, Troy and the ICED EARTH family. I am proud to know them and honored that they consider me their friend. It is going to be phenomenal to share the love of this music during several summer festivals and I know that it will be a time we will never forget.

"Please consider all that I have brought forth and all of Jon's offerings before passing judgment on the future of ICED EARTH. This band has always strived to give its listeners the very best and I know that Jon, as always, will continue to lead that charge.

"To ICED EARTH and all of you…I wish you the very best!!!"

Band founder and leader Jon Schaffer reacted to his friend's decision with equal parts sadness and praise.

"I knew Matt wrestled with this for a long, long time," said Schaffer. "It wasn't an easy decision for him. But I love him dearly and I can't fault his reasons."

Schaffer continued: "Matt is one of the most sincere people I know, and one of the most talented. His departure deeply saddens me, but I hope all fans of ICED EARTH will cut him some slack. I wish Matt well, respect him greatly, and I ask everyone else to do the same."

With a new album in the works, and a world tour pending, Schaffer has already begun the search for a new vocalist.

"I have a few guys in mind," said Schaffer. "And as you can imagine, it is a very important decision. One thing is for certain: we are not looking for a Matt Barlow ‘clone' — we are looking for a front man that brings power and character of his own to the table. There's only one Matt, and that era of the band's history will always hold a special place in my heart."

Мат Барлоу пак напуска.
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Post by Yan » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:47 pm

Новият певец се казва Stu Block и е от Into Eternity.
А на 21.11.2011 Iced Earth ще свирят в София.
Правилата на бордгейминга:
1. Всички други неща, включително храна, дрехи, застраховка за колата и пари за обяд, представляват непредвидени разходи по отношение на това, което ви е необходимо за игрите.
2. Никога не пресмятайте общата стойност на това, което сте купили.
3. Ако искате нещо, значи ви е нужно.
4. Ако ви е нужно, значи трябва да го купите.

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Post by termit » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:27 pm

Ян, някакви впечатления от новия им певец? Не съм го чувал. Иначе мога да кажа, заслужават си за това, че изритаха Тим Оуенс като мръсно коте.
Иначе новият трябва да е пълно дръвце, за да не отида на концерта ноември де...
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Post by Yan » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:25 pm

Има бая гласец новия, но групата му е мелодичен дет метъл + прогресив малко.
Честно казано прилича до някъде на старите певци преди Барлоу. Ще поживеем, ще видим.
Правилата на бордгейминга:
1. Всички други неща, включително храна, дрехи, застраховка за колата и пари за обяд, представляват непредвидени разходи по отношение на това, което ви е необходимо за игрите.
2. Никога не пресмятайте общата стойност на това, което сте купили.
3. Ако искате нещо, значи ви е нужно.
4. Ако ви е нужно, значи трябва да го купите.

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Post by Dante » Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:36 pm

Това ми е една от любимите групи, която очаквам от години в България. А Мат Барлоу ми е просто най-любимият глас в рока и метъла въобще.
Може да си представите какво ми беше разочарованието, когато разбрах, че най-сетне ще идват, но БЕЗ Мат.
Представяте ли си Question of Heaven в изпълнение на някой друг, честно? :?
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Post by Yan » Tue Nov 22, 2011 12:19 am

Stu Block е машина, а Iced Earth ни отвяха. Шафър определено е намерил точния човек. И да, вече спокойно можем да си представим Question of Heaven изпълнена от друг :metal:
Правилата на бордгейминга:
1. Всички други неща, включително храна, дрехи, застраховка за колата и пари за обяд, представляват непредвидени разходи по отношение на това, което ви е необходимо за игрите.
2. Никога не пресмятайте общата стойност на това, което сте купили.
3. Ако искате нещо, значи ви е нужно.
4. Ако ви е нужно, значи трябва да го купите.

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Post by termit » Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:25 pm

QFT. Остава само да спрат да свирят по концертите Ада на Данте и да вкарат вместо това няколко по-бързи песни (има си достатъчно добри такива и в Дистопия).

По друга линия, ИСКАМ ИСКАМ ИСКАМ вече и по други концерти да се забрани пушенето в залите. Голям респект за организаторите, че са сложили такава забрана и се погрижиха да се спазва!
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