Raging vagina wreaks havoc in Nerdland

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Post by passer-by » Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:17 pm

Аз само мимоходом да поздравя Сашо за избора на заглавие, а болдът по-долу
Amikae wrote:Но за мен най-бруталното и показно нещо за състоянието на гейм журналистиката е историята с Wizardchan. За тези, които не знаят, това е форум за девствени мъже и депресари, които в общи линии са си го превърнали в единственото място, където да си споделят мизерията. Зои Куин ги обвинява, че имат хейт кампания срещу нея и гейм медиите избухват с новината. За кратко дори самия Wizardchan го събарят. Междувременно момчетата от този форум дори не знаят кой е говорил против нея и както може да се предположи изпадат в още по-голяма депресия. :lol:
ме разсмя с глас. :lol:
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Moridin wrote:Нещо хайпът във форума силно намаля :)

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Post by AlDim » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:11 pm

Еми, "играта" й се казва Depression Quest все пак. :lol:

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Post by Amikae » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:21 am


Imagine if this happens. :shock:

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Post by coldie » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:33 pm

И аз не виждам нищо кой знае какво и нищо по различно от който и да е друг бранш.
Една готина прости***** се е понае**** с когото трябва.
Някои му викат конфликт на интереси :)

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Post by AlDim » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:42 pm

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Post by Amikae » Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:14 pm


Yup. It's still going strong. Тези хора няма да се научат, че чрез лъжите си продължават да затъват.

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Post by AlDim » Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:39 am

Amikae wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAyncf3DBUQ

Yup. It's still going strong. Тези хора няма да се научат, че чрез лъжите си продължават да затъват.
Can't even watch this shit...

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Post by Amelia » Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:55 am

Заради некви кретени на Фейсбук, които се плъзгат по инерцията на мейнстрийм медиите и на които трябваше да обяснявам ГеймърГейт, седнахме и изгледахме със Сашко компилация от видеa на InternetAristocrat:

А това е прощалния му пост по темата, преди да си изтрие акаунта тотално отвратен от развитието на нещата:

Еми тфа е. Като от двете страни имаш едни и същи лайна, тея дето се опитват да вкарат нещата в няква положителна посока, си заминават отвратени.
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Post by Amikae » Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:30 pm

Amelia, любопитен съм, ако не беше мъжо ти, щеше ли да паднеш в лапите на SJW's? Ако нямаше някой, който да ти каже, какви са и какво правят, щеше ли сега да стоиш тук и да ги подкрепяш, както някои други съфорумци?

Питам просто от интерес. Иначе жалко за Аристократа, неговата история е по-скоро на изтощение и фрустрация. Защото много подобни на него "ProGG" ютубъри, всъщност от самото начало го правят за кинтите, целят се в нови събскрайбъри, имат патреон акаунти и т.н.

Лично аз съм разочарован от решението му. Да, има хора, които се опитват да заработват на гърба на GG къмюнитито, подобно на това, което правят SJW, но далеч не в такъв мащаб и са много малка част от GG. Болшинството от хората наистина искат промяната, за която говори той и още са тук. Така че не приемам как нацупено си наби камшика. Неговите клипове най-много се гледаха и бяха най-харесвани, след като толкова много е искал да има промяна, бе достатъчно да продължи да ги прави.

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Post by Amelia » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:12 pm

Честно казано, не знам. Иска ми се да вярвам, че щях да се поровя, за да науча повече и да си създам по-обективна гледна точка вместо да кльопам лайната на стандартните медии. По принцип се опитвам да правя това за всяка дискусия, в която участвам - професионална деформация от науката ми е. Не знам доколко успявам, де. Отделно, че моята представа за жените в света силно се разминава с тая на SJW и то не само в рамките на ГГ. По принцип намирам SJW за пълни с лайна и им нямам особено много доверие.

Оня чук на Фейсбук продължава да ме обвинява в лъжа и кво значение имала неетичната гейм журналистика, КОГАТО СЪВСЕМ ИСТИНСКИ ХОРА СА ЗАПЛАШЕНИ СЪС СМЪРРРРРРРРРРРРРРРРТТТТТТТТТТТ. Пуснах му линкове на съвсем истински хора от ГГ лагера, заплашени със смърт. Питах го ако той скача на непознат човек и го обвинява в лъжа, само щото той се е осмелил да говори за журналистическата страна на ГГ как си мисли, че ще постъпят по-вживяните анти-ГГ. Да видим ще отциклизира ли. Съмнява ме.

Баси, бях забравила пълното омерзение, което изпитвах в онея първи седмици на ГГ, когато лайната почнаха да излизат. Заради което и спряхме да следим кво става. Сега понаваксах с материята и искрено ми се драйфа и от заплахите от двата лагера, и ot тея дето правят пари от тях - журналисти и активисти. А дори не съм геймър, че да ми пука, нали.

edit: Мне. Бидех оприличена на child molester заради мнението сии реших да не се занимавам повече.
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Post by Amikae » Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:06 pm

Поне разбираш вече с какво се сблъскваме в GG. Ти им обясняваш с факти, че наистина има етични проблеми, секс за услуги, подаръци и приятелства, а те ти отговарят "BUT MISOGYNY", "DIE VIRGIN BASEMENT DWELLER", "IT'S YOUR FAULT SHITLORD", "IT'S OK TO HARASS GG SUPPORTERS".

Тези хора са побъркани и са много. Как може да са толкова много? :neutral:

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Post by AlDim » Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:31 am

Amikae wrote:Тези хора са побъркани и са много. Как може да са толкова много? :neutral:
Много хора са много тъпи и за тях е много лесно да се хванат на влакчето.

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Post by Amelia » Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:42 pm

Не издържах и му отговорих. :lol:
Ако искате мога да ви пусна текста на това, което си приказваме, ама ще помоля да не го пускате из нета.
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Post by Xellos » Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:17 pm

Хех, тамън го чета :). Наистина си нямаш и ти работа ;р
„Ние можещите, водени от незнаещите, вършим невъзможното за кефа на неблагодарните. И сме направили толкова много, с толкова малко, за толкова кратко време, че можем да правим всичко от нищо. ... За мен най-лошото в България е чудесното наслаждение, което тук имат хората да се преследват един друг и да развалят един другиму работата.”

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Post by Amelia » Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:04 pm

Ето го и текста. Сменила съм имената, за да няма некви прайвъси драми. Аз съм Childmolester-like entity а оня е Retarded SJW douchebag. Всичко тръгва от линк към ей тая новина, пуснат от някъв човечец, залъган от медийните манипулации около тоя скандал:
http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/01/wiki ... p.facebook

Та тва е последвалият разговор между мен и оня тролец:
Spoiler: show
Childmolester-like entity wrote:Uhm, the thing is Gamergate is not what it seems. My husband is an avid gamer and we have been following this horror from the very beginning. What started as a clear case of abuse of position (game journalists sleeping with a game developer whose game was then reviewed by said journalists) was soon twisted into... this. Initially, there was little coverage of this issue by the gaming magazines for obvious reasons (game journalists not wanting to write against other game journalists, what a surprise). One needs to read some gamer blogs from the beginning of this mess to see what was going on before the popular media decided to start with the fashionable and profitable "women in our society are oh so victimized" spiel. You should also keep in mind that some of these so called female victims made (and are still making) money from this media clusterfuck and acted as cyber-bullies themselves. This whole Gamergate affair is a rotten can of worms and frankly I'm not surprised by Wikipedia's decision to tone down the feminism in its articles, since the so called anti-feminism in this case is rather questionable. It's quite sad, because there IS a real problem with sexism in the gaming world and you can easily see it in the female characters in most video games. But this culture war is not helping. Actually the current aggressive behaviour from BOTH sides is widening the gender gap even further than before.
Retarded SJW douchebag wrote:Childmolester-like entity, I am an avid gamer as well, and everything you just said is a lie. The accusation of a developer sleeping with a game journalist for a review came from the bitter and stalkery ex - boyfriend of said developer and has been passed around uncritically despite the fact the game journalist in question never reviewed the game. It was never about "ethics in game journalism", it was about a bunch of assholes turning a loser's diatribe into an excuse to crank up the hate machine against women and feminists. The "ethics" tag was tacked on after the fact when the hate mongers started to realize that the response they were getting was primarily negative. The "clusterfuck" and "rotten can of worms" here was created entirely by the GamerGaters themselves and you and your husband are part of what shamefully perpetuates that.
Childmolester-like entity wrote:The ethics tag was exactly what it started with, at least for the bloggers we were following at the time. The controversial post by the scorned "stalkery ex-boyfriend" was published on the 16th of august:
Here's the Escapist forum thread from the 17th of august. There was not much sexism in the beginning and people were discussing ethics of game journalism:
A vblog post from the 18th of august by one of the bloggers we follow at home:
It's still about ethics in game development and journalism. There were other vblog posts we saw at that time, all within these lines. Now they're taken down as collateral damage of the culture war.
Childmolester-like entity wrote:Another post with an interview of this vblogger, giving another point of view in this mess.

Nathan Grayson DID talk about Depression Quest:
Presumably, that was before he and Zoe Quinn slept together, but still. He also covered the Game Jam fiasco, which according to some sources looks a lot like a money scam made by Zoe Quinn. There's the Wizardchan controversy as well. And so on, and so forth. At some point things got completely out of hand when the whole misogyny vs feminism shit hit the fan. Then we stopped reading about it because for us it was NEVER about men and women in gaming. And the rage and censorship became way too unpleasant to deal with. From BOTH sides.
Childmolester-like entity wrote:Ah. I found a combined and expanded version of the InternetAristocrat vblog, which we watched in the dawn of the big GamerGate drama, BEFORE the mainstream media caught a wind of it and made it into the "evil male gamers are terrorizing these wonderful female gamers" thing:
Retarded SJW douchebag wrote:Childmolester-like entity, you are still lying. And the "mainstream media" has nothing to do with my understanding of this at all. I have in fact read "The Zoe Post" in all its creepy stalker glory, and the "Quinnspiracy" videos are an unhinged mess. Nathan Grayson never even reviewed her game; the only thing he ever wrote about Zoe Quinn was months before they allegedly began dating. The claims to the contrary were debunked long ago, so anyone still making them is a liar.

And even if it was true that that Nathan Grayson had reviewed Zoe Quinn prior to allegedly sleeping with her, it would not in the slightest way the scorching hate campaign, the rape and death threats, launched against her. Ethics in "video game journalism"? Really? There are scads of deep ethical concerns in actual journalism concerning the coverage of issues that are of actual meaningful concern to the actual meaningful lives of actual meaningful people. For you or anyone else to attempt to defend what the GamerGaters, claiming concern for ethics while the real ethical problem of harassment and threats of rape and murder are being flung from your side, negates any genuine contribution you could possibly make here. You are utterly contemptible.
Childmolester-like entity wrote:Retarded SJW douchebag, you are the one who's lying. Or at least, you haven't tried to educate yourself and are waving righteously your ignorance as a shield. It's OK, I guess. That's how this whole story perpetuates itself. It's difficult to face the facts sometimes and research takes time and effort. It's so much easier to just get appalled by something you read somewhere in the media since the media will never lie or twist information. Right? Oh wait. That's what GamerGate IS about.

You said it started with anti-women hatred and death threats. I gave you links that show that the gamer community had a different reasoning in the beginning, hours after the zoepost came out. And still does. MundaneMatt and InternetAristocrat were two of the loudest GamerGate voices in the beginning of this mess and they made the world (outside of 4chan and Twitter) aware of the zoepost. I've given links to their videos in my previous posts. There are DEEP ethical concerns about the quality of the media and the financial relationships between developers and game journalists. If you look at the InternetAristocrat videos you can see proof for these things because the people involved are dumb enough to leave a ginormous "cyber-trail", just like the two idiots whose logs we can read in the zoepost. If for you the fact that the media, the place we're supposed to get our info from, the place that's supposed to REVEAL such kind of crimes, is manipulated by financial interests and fraternization and used to propel certain unfair tactics can be neglected in the light of other crimes, that's your choice. But you were lying about the beginning of GamerGate and no amount of righteous anger can change that.
Do you know what else you lied about? This:
http://tmi.kotaku.com/the-indie-game-re ... -show-that...
Article written by Nathan Grayson about an event in which Zoe Quinn participated. Less than a week before they "officially" started their relationship. After the failure of this event Zoe went to make her own version of GameJam (which has yet to happen), funded by donations that were going directly to her PayPal account.
Another thing you should be aware of is that the death threats are not exclusive to Zoe Quinn or Anna Sarkeesian. BOTH sides get them:
You haven't heard of those ones, have you? I wonder why. Well next time you might want to browse the internet a bit before accusing someone of lying. Just as a hint, if YOU YOURSELF jump at a person you don't know and start baselessly calling them a liar because they have a different opinion from yours, imagine what the more passionate anti-GamerGaters can do, And our opinions are not even that different - I also don't support the whole cyber violence thing and find it appalling. I just don't like how one side cries harassment, the mainstream media eats it because it's profitable and certain people make money from it. Hell, some of them made whole careers.
Retarded SJW douchebag wrote:Childmolester-like entity, I call you a liar because you are. In the article written by Grayson, which you yourself admit was before their relationship, he briefly mentioned Quinn. Half a sentence. That's it. No subsequent review. So the *foundational claim* of the "ethics in games journalism" people is self-evidently false. you obviously know and are merely expecting to not get called on it, as one would expect of someone weho clrearly has no more integrity than a child molester, like you.

“you haven't tried to educate yourself and are waving righteously your ignorance as a shield.”

Irony can be pretty ironic.

“ I gave you links that show that the gamer community had a different reasoning in the beginning, hours after the zoepost came out. And still does.”

You gave me links where people made allegations and described their own personal bias on the issue, but they are insufficient to establish that "the gamer community" is some monolithic entity that was of one mind on this. I am part of the gamer community, and so are most of my friends. And we call bullshit on your agenda.

“There are DEEP ethical concerns about the quality of the media and the financial relationships between developers and game journalists. “

There are much deeper ethical concerns regarding non-gaming media. For example, one the largest media operations in the country was founded by a campaign manager to a former president for the express purpose of spreading political propaganda and has been spending a couple of decades deliberately and gleefully poisoning our national discourse. Given the impact that has I have an exceedingly difficult time giving two shits who an aspiring game developer may or may not have slept with or at what time. So feel free to talk to me about ethics in journalism when you have a legitimate concern. Until then I dismiss you with contempt.

“If for you the fact that the media, the place we're supposed to get our info from, the place that's supposed to REVEAL such kind of crimes, is manipulated by financial interests and fraternization and used to propel certain unfair tactics can be neglected in the light of other crimes, that's your choice.”

Again, this is video gaming, not human rights legislation. And even if it was, rape and death threats would be unacceptable.

“Do you know what else you lied about?”

Nothing, but I do get that you are pathologically unable to see that due to your own sick bias.

“Another thing you should be aware of is that the death threats are not exclusive to Zoe Quinn or Anna Sarkeesian. BOTH sides get them: You haven't heard of those ones, have you? “

Of course I have. I have also heard of false equivalence. All these are unacceptable, but I’m not going to pretend that the trickle of such things from people who (may, allegedly) be on the right side are even remotely equivalent to the torrent of filth from yours.

“Well next time you might want to browse the internet a bit before accusing someone of lying. “

Irony can be ironic.

“Just as a hint, if YOU YOURSELF jump at a person you don't know and start baselessly calling them a liar because they have a different opinion from yours,”

I don’t have “different opinion”, I have the honesty and integrity that you sadly and pathetically lack.

“And our opinions are not even that different - I also don't support the whole cyber violence thing and find it appalling.”

Pull the other one; it’s got bells on it.

And your other links are laughably biased. I have links as well. Honest and comprehensive ones compiled by people of integrity. This Deadspin article is a good overview of what happened and when and who is actually suffering -


Here is a tiny tiny sample of the hate your side is spewing -

Here’s a good article about ethics and how the GamerGaters obsession with Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian to the exclusion of other things pretty clearly gives away that they don’t actually give a damn about ethics, in gaming journalism and otherwise.

Warning – none of these are videos filled by people who love the sound of their own voice; they actually require reading.
Let’s also remember that you yourself at the beginning characterized the impetus for this as –

“a clear case of abuse of position (game journalists sleeping with a game developer whose game was then reviewed by said journalists)”

-despite the fact the even the links you provide clearly show that *this never happened*. And so, you remain a liar. And, again, *even if it had* it would not in even the tiniest possible way justify any of the vitriol and threats that were flung at Zoe Quinn or anyone like her. And, for fuck’s sake, whatever flaws Zoe Quinn may have (and she does seem to be rather messed up, as some people are at some point in their lives) they are far overshadowed by the creepy obsessive blog where her ex-boyfriend dissects everything about the dysfunction of their relationship publicly and sics fellow creepy obsessive types on his ex when he clearly should just move on. Jesus.

Care to take a stab at speaking with integrity? Or is that truly completely beyond you?
Childmolester-like entity wrote:Thank you for the links, I'll read them. My conversation with you ends here, because I refuse to waste my time on someone who compares me to a child molester, just because I presented a different point of view on GamerGate. These few posts here actually show the whole GamerGate/anti-GamerGate dynamic in a nutshell and illustrate my opinion better than any link one can post. The links I gave are sufficiently explanatory for anyone who is willing to actually watch/read them and is capable of critical thinking. Someone here asked for more data on the matter and I hope I have been of help to them.
Retarded SJW douchebag wrote:Oh, for fuck's sake.

" I refuse to waste my time on someone who compares me to a child molester, just because I presented a different point of view on GamerGate."

Childmolester-like entity, you haven't presented a "different" point of view; you presented a deceptive, dishonest, and manipulative one, and your subsequent appeal to critical thinking is laughable. Ethics in video game journalism? Big publishers like Blizzard and EA and Ubisoft fly bloggers, both independent and affiliated with large websites, out to huge junkets at their expense and also ply them with food and booze and send them home with all kinds of swag in a *blatant* attempt to curry favor and have themselves and their products cast in a positive light. This has gone on for a couple of decades now without anyone batting an eye, despite the fact that it would be an obvious point of contention for anyone concerned with "ethics in video game journalism".

The GamerGaters aren't taking those players on. Instead they followed the lead of a creepy ex-lover who splashed a dysfunctional relationship and breakup onto the Internet for all the world to see, and spewed forth hate and misogyny and threats of rape and murder against one relatively unknown woman who struggles with depression.

You complain about being compared to a child molester? You are speaking in defense of people who targeted someone vulnerable for abuse and, when called on it, made up a cry about journalistic ethics despite never having before or since offered a campaign of complaint, much less abuse, against the big players who publicly seek to influence gaming journalism. It's like responding to massive unemployment by beating up homeless people rather than organizing a response to the company that sent all the jobs overseas.

It you don't like being compared to a child molester, don't be morally equivalent to one, you disgusting puke. And when you get caught applying a double standard in a cruel and self-righteous manner, don't think that wringing your hands over the "critical thinking" that you yourself have spectacularly failed to demonstrate is going to score any points.
Childmolester-like entity wrote:I debated whether to reply to yet another pile of verbal crap from you, since you obviously don't want a discussion on the subject matter, considering the language you use and your arguments. You remind me why we stopped following the GG scandal - it got populated by people like you. Nevertheless, I decided to point a few problems in your logic with the hope that you might actually decide to come out of your self righteous SJW bias and improve yourself as a human being. Which is most likely a wishful thinking on my part but I'll give it a try nevertheless.

First, on the topic of Nathan Grayson and Zoe Quinn. In his controversial post in Rock Paper Shotgun he singles her game out of a list of 50 other games and endorses it in a post about Steam Greenlight:
"Anyway, standouts: powerful Twine darling Depression Quest, surrealist Thief usurper Tangiers, and sidescrolling epic Treasure Adventure World."
The picture used in the article is also from Depression Quest. Since you call yourself a gamer, I guess I don't have to explain what Steam Greenlight does and what biased endorsement by game journalist can lead to in this case.

Yes, it's not a complete review, and they were not "officially" in a romantic relationship. If you read zoepost however you will see that Zoe calls Nathan "one of my best friends", which implies that they have been friends for some time. They have most definitely been "best friends" at the time this article came out. This article presents a conflict of interest and the fact that in Africa children die of starvation don't make it any less problematic and unworthy of discussion.

You conveniently missed the coverage of Gamer Jam by same Nathan Grayson a few days before he started a sexual relationship with Zoe Quinn. His own boss admits that the relationship started in early April. The Gamer Jam article is from March 31. The Gamer Jam fiasco ended with Zoe Quinn getting donations for her own version of Gamer Jam. The article presents a conflict of interest and the fact that there are places in the world where female circumcision is widely practised doesn't make it any less problematic and unworthy of discussion

Of course, Zoe Quinn is just the tip of the iceberg of what GamerGate is trying to uncover, since similar situations were found with other developer/journalist combos. You can check out the Anna Anthropy/Leigh Alexander controversy. The fraternization between developers and media is not from yesterday and the racism in the US police force doesn't make it any less wrong.
Childmolester-like entity wrote:Now that I have explained the obvious, a few words about the double standards. Double standard for example happens when you read logfiles of conversation between two obviously mentally disturbed people and call one of them creepy stalkery boyfriend, while the other is a "woman who suffers from depression" and "does seem to be rather messed up, as some people are at some point in their lives". From my point of view both these people are seriously messed up and need professional help. But hey, I have this extremely heretic ideas that men also suffer depression and abuse and I take both the men and the women suffering seriously. It's so very bigot of me, you see.

Double standard is also that whole MY HARASSMENT IS BIGGER THAN YOUR HARASSMENT diatribe that you spewed in one of your posts. I call bullshit on you and your gamer friends on that one. Neither me, nor you have any adequate data on how many people (and how much) from the two sides of the conflict are harassed. For me it's enough to know that there are harassed people. This needs to stop. The suffering that Zoe Quinn meets due to harassment however does not automatically erase her unethical behaviour. Since I'm mentally and emotionally capable of decrying more than one problem at the same time, that's what I do. You will not see a single sentence that promotes the cyber violence in the posts I wrote, yet you, who dismissed the harassment suffered by the GG community members are comparing me to a child molester. Sociopathic and hypocritical much?

Double standard is also to dismiss an existing problem in the gamers media just because it's not as important to you as another problem. What, you don't have the mental facilities to actually handle both of them? Just for your information the gamer community has been complaining for a long time about the corruption of the media journalism when big companies are concerned. Jim Sterling has a gazillion of videos on the topic. Yes, the impetus for GG came from another type of corruption but corruption is corruption and it is inexcusable unless you start applying double standards to it. Which you're a real pro at. The indie gaming was supposed to be the bastion of principles. A fortress against the corporate corruption. A place where artistic genious is nurtured and novelty is spawned. This all goes to hell when certain indie products are hailed by the media because someone somewhere bangs someone relevant. It's ridiculous that I have to explain this to a gamer, really.

In one of the last InternetAristocrat videos, he gives as an example a scandal in which the media didn't disclose that 40000 accounts were hacked, because of their financial relationship with EA. So a whistle blower had to blow whistles in order for this to become known. So, GG actually cares about big corpo too, huh? Hence their hatred toward Gawker, no? Yes, it's not legislation against the gay marriage I admit, but it's of importance to certain people. These people are trying to make themselves heard now, because something relevant happened. I see no problem with that. If you see a problem with that, there must be something wrong with you.
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